Survival Of the Fittest

Survival of the fittest….This old expression doesn’t really mean ‘fit’ like healthiest, fastest etc…
It actually refers to fit as in ‘best fit’ meaning best adaptable to your current environment and situation.
It very truly implies that the ones who have the ability to evolve, adapt and change with the world around them, survive. And the resistors often get left behind.

Our world is changing everyday and with it we must.
That comes as a slap in the face to a lot of people because – let’s face it… We are not conditioned to venture into the unknown.
We have been conditioned to an environment that allows us to sit in our comfort zones,
and any challenge to that is met with fear, frustration, anger and resistance.
We want to go back to normal….But we never really do.
Instead what happens is ‘Normal’ shifts it’s parameters accordingly.
Some leap to stay ahead,
some unconsciously get dragged along,
And some get left behind.

So what are you doing to ensure your survival?
What are you putting in place to stay ‘fit’?
How are you growing with the world?

2020 was a massive eye opener.
Just because the year ended, doesn’t mean we now just revert back to the last game save of ‘normal’.
It’s time to start looking at what you want to create ahead of you.
How you want to navigate the new world that is unfolding in front of us.
How you will set yourself up to be unaffected by things like lockdown, and pandemics and recession.
How you will design opportunities and options to help you and your family thrive in the future.
And how you will remain calm and centred in chaos 🙏

2020 was a massive eye opener.Just because the year ended, doesn’t mean we now just revert back to the last game save of ‘normal’.
It’s time to start looking at what you want to create ahead of you.
How you want to navigate the new world that is unfolding in front of us.
How you will set yourself up to be unaffected by things like lockdown, and pandemics and recession.
How you will design opportunities and options to help you and your family thrive in the future.And how you will remain calm and centred in chaos 🙏

One Decision

I dreamt of a life where I could just create music and spend quality time with my family and friends.
Where the pressure of making money did not rest on my art,
and therefore I could make things that I would LIKE, rather than the things that would SELL (massive difference).
Where I could buy and give my family the highest quality of living without thinking twice about my budget or if I would have enough later.
Where I could choose my gigs based on if I WANTED to go, rather than feel the need to take work or risk being short for my bills and expenses.

A life where I wasn’t held prisoner to my talent or job.

I knew nothing about using the internet for business, except for sharing my music and where I was gigging on facebook etc.
I didn’t understand about SEO or ROIs or even CPE (honestly…I still only know just what I need here)

And then I was introduced to a community of heart-centred entrepreneurs.
People just like me, who wanted more out of life then to pay bills and die.
People who told me that I deserved more and convinced me that it was achievable.

They propped me up.
They set fire to my dreams again.
They kicked my ass when I slacked off.
They celebrated every win and milestone I achieved.
And supported me with skills, education, business advice and coaching every step of the way.

What happened was incredible.
In the last year:

I expanded my teaching business.
I set up a base for me and my family in Perth.
I launched an online program.
I fixed my health.
I got a better hold of my energy and stress levels.
I gave myself a pay rise for my performances.
I travelled and worked remotely, mostly on my own time.
I learnt a ton of new skills.
I earnt money in my sleep!! (I know right!)
I let go of a lot of my issues.
I faced some of my demons.
I put myself on The Voice Australia.
I created the album I’ve been dreaming about for over 10 years (just wait till you hear it).
All while creating multiple ways of earning and giving myself more options for the future.

I still have time to hang with my babies.
I’m still passionate about what I do.
And I’m super excited to help others make break-throughs and changes that have a positive impact on their lives.

I get you might think this is all too good to be true.
I thought it was too, but I gave it a go anyway.
Because the only thing I had to lose was my old life, the old me… And I’m ok with that.

It all started with some epic free online workshops. One decision that I totally wasn’t ready for.
But am so glad I did…And now I’m offering them to you…

Click here for access

Battle Yourself

These battles we fight on stage.
They are not battles against others.
Actually, most of the time they are battles against ourselves.
A battle against the voice in your head that tells you that
You don’t deserve to be here.
You are not good enough.
You are not strong enough.
That you are too old or young.
Or fat or ugly.

The battle against every troll or keyboard warrior you ever had to deal with.
The battle against all the memories of people telling you that they don’t like your voice,or talent or sound or style.
The battle against the ‘mentors’ that told you that you should stay behind the scenes, because you are not a ‘front’ person.
The battle against those that have devalued you, or never saw your worth.
The battle against the haters and those that sought to hold you back…
The battle against the voice in your head that questions your ability.

And when you can stand strong and own it like a damn Queen…
You’ve already won..
No matter the outcome.

I’ve never felt so empowered.

Thank you The Voice Australia, thank you Ricky Muscat

That was incredible Xx

That’s me…

That’s me. On The Voice Australia. Taking big leaps to resolve issues I have been carrying for a long time.

In 2005 I was a contestant on Australian Idol, which led to some amazing experiences in my music career. I was young. I was unprepared back then for the ‘big bad entertainment industry.’
And I was swept up in a whirlwind, propelled forward and in this process, I lost myself.

I lost my control over my dream. Everything on the outside was perfect. I was living my dream life. But I struggled on the inside. I struggled with an incredible amount of self doubt. I felt undeserving, I felt like a fraud. And it was in big part, my fault.

I didn’t know what I wanted, so I allowed the people around me to create it. I let others make decisions that would determine my future so that I didn’t need to feel accountable, and I did not speak about my vision, my values and my heart.

My soul suffered from my own sense of (lack of) self-worth.

It lasted a long time and there was even a long time that I refused to write and record my own stuff.

But I’ve been on this journey to empower myself and re-write my history. And to help others to do the same. Because you are only worth what you think you are.

This was the scariest thing that I have done in a long time.

I’m older, I’m heavier, I’m a mum now and I don’t have as much energy as I had when I was 20. All things that would have held me back before. But it’s time to let it all go.

Did I turn chairs? Yep. All 4. But this moment wasn’t necessarily about that. It was about showing up in my truth and pouring out my soul to the world. And allowing people to finally see me, as I am, and being ok with people not connecting with it.

Because somewhere in the world, I would have connected with someone just like me. Someone who needed to hear my story and my message. A message that I will continue to put front and centre of my journey:

That there is only one YOU. So show that to the world, and find people who resonate with it.

That YOU are ultimately in control of your story – Don’t give that power to anyone.

That dreams are meant for chasing, and there is no time limit on them.


Go get it…

Roxy Xx

What will you do differently in 2020?

It’s that time of the year when a lot of us are reflecting on what we achieved, and what we lost or fell short on, in hopes to pull some intentions and goals together for the coming new year.

Setting intentions is one thing…but the challenge is always the FOLLOW THROUGH.

You can read about change, talk about change, watch videos about change, learn about change, but until you IMPLEMENT CHANGE…nothing will change.. Get it?🤔


I asked myself this at the beginning of 2019.
And then went on to have a year of massive GROWTH. 🙌🙌🙌

I have expanded my skillset,
I have confronted so many past issues,
Removed blocks that were holding me back
and have really taken control of the direction of my life.

This year I IMPLEMENTED the things that I already knew would help, and I learnt about WHAT ELSE I could do from the happiest and most successful people that I could find.

But the MAIN THING that I did that was different:

I placed myself in a community that would hold me ACCOUNTABLE for getting my shit together.

Coaches, business gurus, healers, successful entrepreneurs, teachers, mentors and go-getters who have become my friends and personal cheerleaders,
who have picked me up when I wanted to give in,
who have pushed me forward when I was fearful,
who constantly reminded me of my WORTH and STRENGTH
and who have both reflected on my failures, and celebrated my wins.


I feel amazing because of this.
Business is great because of this.
My family is thriving because of this.
And 2020 is going to be massively positive for me because of this.

And so friends,
If you are wondering what it’s gonna take,
if you are up to making REAL PROGRESS and change,
to experience real personal GROWTH and FULFILMENT,
to smash through goals and just DO BETTER for yourself,
REACH OUT and let me introduce you to the space I found.


Because everybody deserves to have a better 2020.
Including YOU.
And I would be delighted to be a part of your journey. Especially if you have been sitting back and watching mine this year.

Let’s get started on making next year the beginning of your BEST.


What about next year?

I’m already thinking about next year, are you?


There is only 30 days left till 2020 and I’m so excited to be doing more of ME in the new year.

If you have been following, I’ve been rattling on a lot about the new direction of my coaching and my work this year.

It’s been an incredible journey of discovering and redefining myself and showing my full potential to the world.

✨Sometimes we forget who we ARE. And we become what we DO. ✨

Singing is not who I am, it’s just one of the things that I do… And this year has been about leading with MYSELF rather than my TALENTS so that I can find people who align with me first… 

Because I no longer want to work with just anybody. I want to work with people who GET ME and vice versa. 

But in order to find those people, I need to share more about who I am rather than what I do. I had it backwards for a very long time 🤦‍♀️

It actually works with every business or brand too. 

People buy from businesses and brands that they like and relate to. So you need only to work on finding who those people are for you… (hint – It really helps when you know and accept who you are first)

When YOU are the thing people attach to then you create a loyal network that trust you enough to move with you when you decide to change direction or offer a new product or service. 

These people see you for who you are rather than what you do…. And that is GOLD. 

But back to me and next year. 

I’m still singing.

I‘m still making music. 

I’m still vocal coaching /producing

I’m still being a mum and wifey and daughter.

But I’m also supporting creatives to realise their full potential as artists. 

I’m also helping people get their businesses going.

I’m also making sure my friends don’t ever feel alone.

I’m also promoting wellness and health and personal development.

I’m also coaching people how to monetise who they are rather than what they do…

And it’s hella satisfying. 

And next year I’ll be doing a lot more of it.

And if you are feeling me then I’d love to be working with you too.


Let’s talk about it…

Roxy Xx


I have been working with creative people for over 15 years now and one thing that I find quite common is the lack of boundaries when it comes to helping others and putting other people’s projects in front of our own.

I completely get it. I’ve been ‘that guy’. So many of us feel like we lack support and confidence for getting our own projects out there. Because meaningful music and art represents us, our personal emotions and feelings, and sometimes putting out an original into the world feels like standing bare naked on stage in front of a room of your peers, amongst others. So we avoid our own projects like the plague. 🏃‍♀️

It’s so funny how the ones we are afraid to be judged by are our fellow creatives. But it doesn’t surprise me. Because as creatives we are also the first to judge other peoples art — and that is just standard projection behaviour.

Imagine you could detach from the reactions of others to your music or art. Imagine a world where you actually didn’t get so caught up in what everyone will think. Imagine that you could determine your success through what it actually felt like to create something, rather than how it is received by others, or how much income it generates for you.

How much better of a creator would you be? How much more honest would your art be?

The thing is, IT’S ALL IN YOUR HEAD… you can actually CHOOSE that stuff, or not… But you have to WORK at it.

Come check out The Artist Mindset Online Program I’m rolling out in November. Limited spots so secure yours today.🔗👇

Change your mindset, drop the hang ups and become a BETTER creator — the universe will sort out the rest




But what will they say…

When I stopped worrying about what other people would think about me, my opportunities quadrupled and my income tripled.

It’s so amazing how we so willingly accept other people’s opinion and judgement as our truths.

Nobody knows you more than YOU.
Nobody gets to decide your intention when doing something but YOU.
Nobody lives through your story and decisions more than YOU.

But it’s easy to surrender responsibility to others.

I get it. That was me. Always asking advice from my friends (even on the smallest things), Always hesitating do put myself out there because: What would people think? What would people say? How will this decision be perceived?

Always needing someone to validate my actions. TO VALIDATE ME.

What I didn’t realise for a long time is that I allowed others to control and design MY LIFE because of this. People form opinions based on their personal experiences and HISTORY. And everyone’s story and experiences are unique even though some may seem the same.

Which means that yes, you can learn from other people’s mistakes, but the outcome that someone gets from doing something might not be the same as the outcome that you might get from doing the EXACT same thing. There are too many external factors that make up peoples experiences, successes, failures and opinions. And sometimes the WIN you might get it is worth the RISK.

So should you listen to what others SAY? yes, but not everyone…
Should it override how you FEEL about something? Nope.

The best way is to TRY and form your OWN opinions. And WIN, or LEARN…

If I had listened to the people around me or cared what they would think:

I would have not moved to Sydney when I finished school.
I would not have auditioned for Australian Idol back in the day.
I would have not created The Starlettes, The Boutique, The Alternative.
I would have not been an Artist (they told me that I should only be a writer)
I would have given up on RNB.
I would have given up on singing and writing my own songs a long time ago to “get a real job”.
I would not have moved to Mauritius.
I would not have moved to Perth.
I would not be running my own business,
I would not be earning income from living my truth and spreading my message today.

My biggest successes have come from making decisions WITHOUT caring about others opinions.

Because nobody knows my truth like I do.
And finding space to listen to my intuition and backing myself wholeheartedly has made the world of difference to my life.


And I’m here to EMPOWER others to do the same… However it looks like for them.

Let me know if you are READY 👇

I’m done with hiding


People still say to me – “It wouldn’t kill you to put a little makeup on or brush your hair before you do your videos, Roxy.”

And you know what — it might. It might kill that beautiful idea that my peeps all currently have of me that I’m super proud of: I am authentically, and unapolegitically me. 👊

And when I dont want to dress up for you, I wont.
Because I dont need to hide behind smoke and mirrors to share my message.

And if you are going to reject what I have to say about life, because I didn’t pluck my eyebrows or put on some lipstick then “bye felicia…” my message isn’t for you.👋

I share when I feel like I have something to say and when I have value to give back to my community. And sometimes there’s no time to worry about what it looks like and what people will say about me.

I don’t need to do myself up to feel beautiful and confident. I made that happen from the inside.
I got over myself. Because what I do and how I serve others is ultimately NOT ABOUT ME.

In my life I have learnt from all different kinds of people, from all walks of life, of various cultures and backgrounds, of every age group. I have learnt to listen past the bullshit aesthetic stuff. You know that saying ‘Dont judge a book by its cover….’ Yeh that shit…💯

Because if you limit yourself to only listening to people who look/sound right. Then you are putting a massive cap on your learning.

Everyone has a lesson to teach if you are willing to listen hard enough… And sometimes the best lessons are taught in the most unorthodox ways, by the most unexpected people. ✨